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Protect Young Eyes: Stewarding Tech Well with Chris McKenna

Charity & Clinton Muñoz Season 1 Episode 95

Have you been at a loss to find the best way to make your home tech-safe? 
Has creating healthy tech boundaries with your kids or spouse been a battle? 
Have you struggled to understand healthy tech practices, much less model them for your family? We most certainly have. 

Today's guest, Chris Mckenna, has fought long and hard to become a respected voice on digital safety. He is the executive director of Protect Young Eyes and has dedicated his career to creating practical tools and resources for families, caregivers, and schools. 

In this episode, we discuss incredible topics like the five habits of a tech-ready home, micro-moves that make a big impact, and how to model tech usage for our kids to create healthy habits. We also learn about the toxic trio—the three places when and where tech is most often used in destructive ways—and the five layers of protection we can implement in our homes and on our devices. 

Chris explains that we don't need to fear tech but learn how to steward it well using the principles he shares at Protect Young Eyes. Instead of moving to an Amish community with our kids ( we get it, it's tempting), we can learn how to implement Chris's teaching of "right kids,  right tech, at the right time."

Protect Young Eyes Resources:

Start here! Do these 3 things to get started.
Learning: 5 Habits of a Tech-Ready Home on-demand course for parents.
Community: The Table

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