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Sex, God & The Chaos of Betrayal Walkthrough with Roane and Eva Hunter

Charity & Clinton Muñoz Season 1 Episode 82
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00:00 | 47:54

Roane and Eva Hunter are sexual wholeness missionaries. Yes, they are board-certified licensed professional counselors and certified sex addiction therapists, authors, speakers, and teachers, but their heart for Jesus has inspired it all.  After reading their newest book, Sex, God, and the Chaos of Betrayal, Charity and  I were excited to have them be on the podcast to discuss the book further. Today they educate us on other traumas present in their personal story, such as deception and disclosure trauma that they needed to heal from. We also get the opportunity to hear the behind-the-scenes of their story and pick their brain on a few topics they write about in their book, such as the trauma wall, the C’s of rebuilding trust and safety, and how to use Fanos for a healthy communication tool.

Check out their material below and get their newest book on Amazon or their website.

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