Restored 2 More

An Episode Hijacked by The Holy Spirit with Clint and Charity Munoz

Charity & Clinton Muñoz Season 1 Episode 78

If you're like Charity, perhaps you've been angry that you now need to omit secular tv shows and movies that have content that could trigger your spouses. For a time, she asked,  "why do we have to suffer and miss out on the fun of the latest TV binge-worthy series?"  Today we talk about what we choose to watch and why and the difference between everything being lawful but not everything being helpful.

We also had what we thought was a great podcast topic until the Holy Spirit hijacked our conversation. Instead of sharing what life looks like after recovery, we get passionate about how pro-active accountability is a vital ingredient that is missing from most men's recovery game plans. Instead of using our accountability groups as a place for weekly confession, we need to take the reigns of responsibility and reach out for help before we slip or relapse. In addition to pro-active accountability, the question is, am I acting proactively to remove the areas of temptation, and am I willing to become my own worse enemy for my addiction?

We also explain what it means to "finish the fantasy" by sharing our fantasies with safe people to make them lose power and luster. Instead of our fantasies haunting us, triggering us, and hiding in the shadows, we explain the power of dragging them into the light and explaining what the real aftermath would be of finishing the fantasy.

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