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The Transforming Power of Grace with Ed Khouri

February 09, 2022 Charity & Clinton Muñoz Season 1 Episode 73

If fear is not displaced by grace, it will ultimately ruin our lives. Before anything else, grace is relational, meaning we have to experience grace to understand it. 

Today we get an in-depth look at the meaning and power of grace. What does it mean, and how have misguided teachings distorted and diluted its message? Ed Khouri has been in the field of addiction and recovery for over 40 years. He has authored numerous books and today equips leaders on these topics in over 90 nations. In 2015 he felt God nudging him to understand grace on a deeper level, and today he shares with us his life-changing discoveries. Grace changes everything. It determines if we live in fear and make choices that hurt us and others or live relationally healthy lives with God, our spouse, and others. Once we can understand and, more importantly, experience grace, it allows us to become a face of grace. Learn more by listening now and then, purchasing his newest book, Becoming a Face of Grace.

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